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Dr. Cheralyn Thorsen

Dr. Cheralyn ThorsenD.M.D, B.Sc
Dr. Cheralyn Thorsen graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 2000. For five years, she sat beside Joel Thurmeier in Dental school and graduated in the same class. She is one of our resident Invisalign providers and provides facial aesthetic procedures in-house. Cheralyn feels she best helps her patients when they complete treatment they have been neglecting and finally restore their good oral health. Cheralyn loves spending time with her children outside the dental office. She’s a super proud mom to three very athletic kids. Sitting courtside watching them play volleyball or at the rink taking in a hockey game dominates most of her free time. When Cheralyn gets a little "me time," you will find her playing tennis, crocheting or enjoying happy hour! Fun fact, Cheralyn holds a record for escaping a locked room in the fastest time.